YAP, FSM. Dr. Murukesan Krishnapillai, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Cooperative Research and Extension.
Soil and land degradation is not only a physical or biochemical issue but also linked to socio-economic aspects. Poor and displaced atoll communities in Yap are the most affected by soil and land degradation as they are the ones usually occupying degraded land. Thus, achieving food security and eradicating extreme poverty requires dealing with the complexity of land degradation. Through USAID funded ‘Climate Adaptive Agriculture Resilience Project’, we empower and provide outreach, technical assistance and extension education to displaced atoll communities in volcanic soil management practices to effectively grow a variety of crops in degraded landscapes in Yap.
To commemorate and in support of World Soil Day 2016 (http://www.comfsm.fm/myShark/news/item=1681/mod=09:23:02), Yap CRE conducted two workshops on soil conservation using agroforestry practices. The objectives of these workshops were to impart the knowledge and importance of soils to the humanity and their relationship to sustainable development and food security. Over 50 community members including participants of USAID Project from community settlements in Ruu and Makiy attended this event. Using posters, hands on displays and PowerPoint presentations we educated communities the importance of soils from multiple perspectives. Later, community members from all age groups participated in a tree planting drive across the Makiy settlement (http://www.fao.org/global-soil-partnership/world-soil-day/wsd2016/events/en/).
First 3 winners, last photo, who planted highest number of saplings in one day received gifts of food baskets containing local produce.